Site remediation is also sometimes known as soil remediation. Site remediation involves assessing a site’s contamination (including asbestos). Then one of several strategies is applied to purify and revitalise the site by reducing contaminants.
The demolition of buildings containing asbestos products was once not taken as seriously as it is now. When these buildings were demolished, asbestos products may have been left in the soil of the property. Disturbing this soil for building work or any other reason can result in a risk of asbestos fibres being released. Contamination can also be the result of asbestos pipes previously been used on a site.
These sites need to be cleaned by an asbestos soil removal specialist before they can be safely utilised.

We won’t do anything to put you or us at risk
As a company we hold current A & B Class Asbestos licenses. Meaning we can work with both friable and non-friable asbestos.
Our qualified teams are highly trained and experienced in all aspects of asbestos management and removal.
We have current registration for our ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

Decontaminating Asbestos-Contaminated Soil
Conqra Asbestos Solutions’ site remediation strategy begins with a team of asbestos specialists who perform an on-site inspection of the asbestos contaminated soil. We will provide an accurate asbestos management plan and report once the initial assessment is completed. The report contains recommendations for reducing environmental impact of the contamination and improving the quality of soil on your site.
All suggestions are tailored to your specific remediation needs. This means that after decontamination you can complete your site work with confidence. You will know that you and your workers are safe.