Since 2015 when our commercial clients became aware of the need for an asbestos survey to be carried out if their building was constructed prior 2000, many had to realise that if their roofs were clad in an asbestos containing product such as super 6 and its run off was being collected into cesspits, as shown here in these photos, then these cesspits need maintaining by a suitably qualified person trained in all aspects of ACM. (Asbestos containing material.)
We have a unique system that allows us to service the cartridges that filter the water running through them. The system we operate is not shown here for commercial reasons but its unique in the fact that we are able to service the contaminated cartridges onsite and refill them with their filter compound ready for re-use without the need for an expensive filter swap over for offsite recharging.
We note that when we test the sludge collected in these filters and have it analysed in an approved asbestos testing laboratory, the lab always comments on the ‘HIGH LEVEL’ of contamination, which again indicates the need to get the right team for the job.
Feel free to contact us for service or advice.